Friday, December 26, 2008

Introduction to Addiction Intervention

In this module we will understand the principles of addiction intervention using the social milieu of family and friends. You will know how to organize an intervention and facilitate it as an advocate of the individual and the family.

There are two kinds of interventions:

  • A counselor client intervention in which the counselor challenges the system of self-deception that upholds the drug or alcohol abusers lifestyle in a one-on-one counseling session or group of sessions.
  • A family intervention in which the substance abuser who desires to gain freedom over the addiction and family members and friends meet in order to discuss concerns and solutions and together with the full involvement and agreement of the individual develop a treatment plan consisting of periodic family meetings and follow-up.

The client must be willing to attend these sessions in which he is aware that elements of his thinking regarding his lifestyle will be lovingly challenged. The client must be shown dignity and respect as a beloved child of God on the one hand, and on the other be able to hear the concerns presented that will challenge his or her deceptive thinking patterns. Both Individual and Family Interventions are helpful to lead an alcoholic to 12 step program involvement that will be able to break the power of addiction in the individual as he or she commits to working the steps in submission to the power of God.

The power of a special group of loved ones and friends

The support of family and friends should never been underestimated as to the role they play in the spiritual and emotional health or illness of the individual. Most people who have committed violent crimes against people and society have one thing in common. Most grew up with absentee fathers. Most people who have grown up without knowing the nurture and love of a mother also have something in common: a tendency to be sickly, frail and defeated by life. By the same token we have seen that many sickly or angry children who are removed from their families and put into a home with strong and loving parental guidance, often grow to be healthy adults with fruitful lives.

People most often turn to substance abuse when they have not had love and guidance from family members. When the fabric of a healthy family life unravels, people become emotionally and spiritually disoriented. If they can not find love in the home, they will turn to other sources such as gangs and associations with people who will at best encourage a mediocre lifestyle and, at worst, crime. The 2 following videos are part 1 of the A&E Intervention reality TV show. You can fast forward the videos to the 5:30min section and hear bothe Brad and Pam's early childhood stories.

The only thing that could ever really overcome the damage done by critical and unloving family members is found in the nurturing of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, of Whom it is said, is a friend who faithfully sticks closer to us than a brother.

What is a Christian intervention?
A Christian intervention is an orchestrated attempt by one, or often many, (usually family and friends) to get someone to seek professional help with their drug addiction. The sole purpose of the intervention is to offer a solution and program of drug intervention and Christian based recovery for those afflicted with addiction. The ultimate goal of a drug intervention is to enable the addict to escape from their seemingly hopeless addiction and to move back into the world in a close walk with Christ.

The Hopelessness of Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction is a tremendously powerful affliction. It grips it's victims in such a way that even when they are not on drugs, they are constantly thinking about drugs. They suffer from a mental obsession. Hence, just quitting the drugs alone is not sufficient to overcome the addiction. The large majority of drug addicts have sobered up for brief periods of time in the past, only to slip back into using again shortly afterward. This is the baffling and hopeless condition of drug addiction.

Is There a Chance for Recovery?
The short answer to this question is YES. However, the recovery process itself is not as simple as the one word answer implies. As stated above, drug addiction is extremely powerful. In reality, the only known permanent and satisfying solution to this illness has been a spiritual experience. We believers would know that spiritual experience as being born again. It means an entire willingness on the addict's part to take a fresh start and allow the power of Jesus to work in their life. If this takes place, then the addict's chance for recovery is very high.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the 2 kinds of interventions?
  2. What is one common element found in most substance abusers?
  3. What can really be done to overcome the affects of familial abuse and neglect?
  4. What is the purpose for an intervention?
  5. Are interventions effective?

Congratulations! You have completed Module 4/Lesson1


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